Aligning Data Within Merged Cells


Steve Almond

I want to merge two columns of data - one of numbers one of text. This is no
problem, but I want the text to be aligned in the merged cells, not the
numbers. Here is how it appears (hope formatting is OK):

50 XTO 50 XTO
32.5 ZEUS 32.5 ZEUS
417.5 ZEUS 417.5 ZEUS

Here is how I would like it:

50 XTO 50 XTO
32.5 ZEUS 32.5 ZEUS
417.5 ZEUS 417.5 ZEUS

Any help appreciated,



Define a maximum length for both column (Number:A, Text:B), let's say 10, then:

=REPT(" ";10-LEN(TEXT(A3;"0,0")))&TEXT(A3;"0,0")&REPT(" ";10-LEN(B3))&B3


„Steve Almond†ezt írta:

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