align a label in center hor and vertical


Wilfried Mestdagh


I want to add a Label on a panel programatically. No problem. But I
can't seems to manage that the label is centered horizontal and vertical
in the panel. I experimented with TextAlign and Dock but no real
success. I probably forget something. Some hints really welcome :)



I want to add a Label on a panel programatically. No problem. But I
can't seems to manage that the label is centered horizontal and vertical
in the panel. I experimented with TextAlign and Dock but no real
success. I probably forget something. Some hints really welcome :)

You mean align text or align position?

you could use:

Label lbl //...

lbl.position.x = panel.width/2 - lbl.width/2; //horizontal
lbl.position.y = panel.height/2 - lbl.height/2; //vertical


Bruce Wood


I want to add a Label on a panel programatically. No problem. But I
can't seems to manage that the label is centered horizontal and vertical
in the panel. I experimented with TextAlign and Dock but no real
success. I probably forget something. Some hints really welcome :)

The only way I know of to centre things is to handle the resizing
events on the parent container and readjust the label's position
accordingly... "manually" as it were.

In other words, do a take on Horacio's solution, but you have to do it
whenever the parent container changes size.

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