again: no wait-cursor - or: don't touch the inputPanel-state


Boris Nienke

OK, in detail:

On of the very first things i like to do when the app is started, is to
capture the screen.
This means
- i don't want to change the input-panel-style
- i don't want to have a WaitCursor visible on screen.

With the .Net-Studio i've created a new application. One Form is created by
the wizard. Then i have deleted the line " Form1())" and
replaced it with a call to my subroutine (to capture the screen for

but: at this point i still have the WaitCursor visible! Setting it to
Cursors.Default doesn't help. Calling Application.Process() (or something
like that - i'm not at home to look) doesn't help.

So i tried it by calling the Form1 again and to my shot in the
loaded-event. To avoid form-painting i've override the OnPaint and

This way i'm able to disable the WaitCursor (set it to Default and then let
the application process messages) but the input panel is disabled (which
would be OK for a standard application but not if you try to capture the

Do you understand my problem?
The best solution for me would be to disable the WaitCursor and working
without any form... but how?


Chris Tacke, eMVP

I believe the WaitCursor is thrown by the framework itself as it JITs your
first code, so I don't think you can hide it. The InputPanel state may be a
similar issue.


Boris Nienke

Maybe there's a work-around possible by using the API?

The InputPanel is still unchanged until the first Form is created. So i
think, if you have an application that creates no form at all, this will be

Only problem: the Wait-Cursor.
I mean: my application is started - i'm in the main() function. So i think
there must be a way to disable/hide the waitcursor. not?

Any Idea?


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