Again can't receive mail via outlook & more..



Receiving this error message:
"Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for
this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of
inactivity. Account: '', Server: '',
Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F"

Also I have been receiving the blue screen (crashing) and my computer
running Vista turns off my wifi connection and I have to reboot every hour or
so. Are all these common problems with Vista? This is all new, no virus
detected during scans.
I'm veryfrustrated and not sre should I just save all my info, dump Vista
and get another operating system or what?
Thanks in advance fro any help yo can give me.

Gary VanderMolen

I've been running Vista since November 2006 (I was a beta tester), and
it has never blue-screened on me. It definitely is not a common issue
with Vista. Typical reasons for blue screens are running outdated
software or drivers. This is not the right forum for pursuing that issue.

As for your email problem, that type of error is usually caused by
interference from a non-compatible antivirus program. Which antivirus
are you running?
As a minimum, email scanning in the antivirus must be turned off,
although that may not be sufficient to eliminate all bad effects.
In a worst case scenario, your antivirus may need to be uninstalled.

If turning off your antivirus email scanning function does not resolve
your problem, consider upgrading to Windows Live Mail, because it
is less prone to suffering bad effects from overly intrusive antivirus

Email scanning in any antivirus must be disabled, for reasons
explained here:

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