Advice on timing of posts appearing



I've noticed over the last few days that some of the posts I've made
are taking a very long time to appear. Last night I replied to mevett's
post "Link to a changing cell? You'll see ..." at 11:58pm (my time).
Over an hour later it hadn't appeared, so I posted another one
(1:10am). This morning both were visible (though with the second one
appearing before the first), so I posed a question then (about 9:20am)
on why this should be so - this still hasn't appeared, and it is now
6:40pm. During the last 90 minutes or so I have replied to a number of
other posts in this group and also in public.excel.misc,
public.excel.functions, public.excel.programming - some of these
replies have appeared very quickly (within a couple of minutes) and
others have yet to appear.

Can anyone explain what's happening?



I don't know why there should be three of these, but this posting
illustrates the point. I submitted the posting at 6:45pm, but 8 hours
later it had still not appeared. Sometime between 2:45am and now
(1:15pm) it has emerged. Why the delay?


Dave Peterson

I think Google is having trouble.

You have another response to your first question.


Thanks for the response Dave - I've also viewed your response to my
first question, but thought it was appropriate to reply here.

Another example - I responded to Biff and Max on the thread related to
6 lookup reference sheets at about 1:20pm earlier today, but now at
5:20pm that response still hasn't appeared. Is this happening to
everyone then?

Some responses appear very quickly, though - it seems the first few in
any session are the ones that get delayed. Ah well, hopefully Google
will overcome its problems soon.


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