Advanced Word Formula w/ date



Hi there, this is directed towards those that know something about dates and
formulas in MS word tables.

I need word to perform a calculation for me.

I need formula to add one month onto a given date and display it in a table.

The main date would be essentially "todays date"; but the table I am making
needs to add one month onto "todays date" and display it in the row below. In
fact, I need it to do this 10 times.

What I mean:
todays date (data is either automatic or user inputed)
todays date + 1 month
todays date + 2 months
todays date + 3 months


Is this possible using word? Unfortunately I can't use excel because of a
certain integration problem.


Hi Kevin,

To see how to do this and just about everything else you might want to do with dates in Word, check out my Date Calc 'tutorial', at:
In particular, look at the item titled 'Automatically Insert A Past Or Future Date'. There are various formulae there for doing a
single instance of what you want. When you decide which version you want to use (if any), post back and I'll tell you how to modify
the code for your needs.


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