"advanced level" in excel?



Can someone provide me with some examples of skills that would be considered
with an "advance" level of excel knowledge?


My list - others may have a different opinion:

Pivot Tables
Array Formulas
Macros/ VBA coding
Charting - Maybe


Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is "advanced" in the mind of
the person who wrote the requirement.
dhstein has probably given as good a list as any, but...

for some people, "advanced" might be the ability to build and use more
complex formulas than simply =A1+B4. It might include the ability to create
V/HLOOKUP() formulas, reference data on other sheets or in other workbooks,
or create a query to return data from an external source. Or it might refer
to having a good working knowledge of special worksheet functions such as
financial and/or engineering functions.

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