ADO recordset returns -1



I have a connection to the Northwind database from
Excel. My queries work find except when I request the
number of records I always get -1. Is there something
I'm missing? Here's a section of my code if this helps:

Thank you in advance, Dennis

*************start code****************

Dim myConnection As String
Dim rsData As ADODB.Recordset

'Create a connection to Northwind DB
myConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;" & _
source=C:\ProgramFiles\Microsoftoffice\" & _

sSQL = "SELECT * FROM Categories"
Set rsData = New ADODB.Recordset
rsData.Open sSQL, myConnection
MsgBox rsData.RecordCount

************end code*****************

Harald Staff

Hi Dennis

Recordsets comes with different "cursors". Some let you browse back and
forth, some are "forward only" (faster but no recordcount or moves except
movenext and movelast). It seems that default is forwardonly from what you
report here. Try

rsData.Open sSQL, myConnection, adopenkeyset, adopenreadonly

The speed issue between forwardonly and keyset depends on database brand and
size. For smaller Access apps I don't notice much difference, Oracle
likewise, but SQLserver is annoyingly slow using keyset. My personal
undocumented experiences only.

HTH. Best wishes Harald


Thank you for the reply. I tested your additional code
and received an error. Instead I wrote your first
suggestion, adOpenKeyset and it worked great:

rsData.Open sSQL, myConnection, adOpenKeyset

I will have to study up on this in the future.

Thanks, Dennis



the default CursorLocation is server-side (adUseServer) with forward only

To navigate ADO recorsets, and get information like "Recordset.Count" or
"Recordset.AbsolutePosition" you need to explicitly set it to adUseClient ...
same for default recordsets returned by code like this:

Set RS = Connection.Execute sSql

To read up on ADO see the MDAC SDK here at the MSDN Library here:



Jamie Collins

Philip said:
the default CursorLocation is server-side (adUseServer) with forward only

Yes, but you can specify something other than the default!
To navigate ADO recorsets, and get information like "Recordset.Count" or
"Recordset.AbsolutePosition" you need to explicitly set it to adUseClient

Incorrect. Availability of such properties is determined by cursor
type, not location. Any cursor type other than 'forward only' will
support the RecordCount property.
get information like "Recordset.Count"

The Recordset object does not have a Count property.



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