ADO.Net Service Reference - retuning all rows from all tables on ref creation?



Just a newbie question: we are referencing an dataservice in our
application. When we are debugging and watching the service reference we
are noticing that we can immediately expand and view the individual row data
from each of the entity's tables inside of VS's watch window as soon as the
reference is created.

Does this imply that the data is being retrieved dynamically as we are
debugging and expanding the individual entities/results, or is (I can't
imagine this) all of the data being returned at the time the service is
created and prior to any actual query being performed ?

Quick code example of what I mean:

_svcAegis = New svcAegisEntities.AegisEntities(New
Uri("http://localhost:2118/svcAegisEntities.svc", UriKind.Absolute))

Dim s as string = String.Empty <<< if we set a breakpoint here and watch the
_svcAegis reference we can expand each of the referenced entity tables and
all of the data therein even though no actual query of any sort has been

Dim q = From cc In AegisEntitiesPubRef.CodeCountries Select cc Order By

Dim l = q.ToList()

Thanks in advance


Thanks Patrice - I wish I had thought of that to begin with. You were
right - the trace proves that the data is being retrieved dynamically as I
move through the query object in the watch window. For me this was
completely unexpected behavior and I needed proof to convince myself that
some sort of unholy mass data retrieval wasn't happening.

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