administration of new software



I am logged on to my computer as administrator, I load new software no
problem, the new software is there everything ok so far... Then I click to
open the software application and this message appears ( To start this
application for the first time or to activate, log in using an
administrator-level account , From then on, you can use any user account to
star this application ) ? I am an administrator I tried it with a new
administrator account same message what the hell does vista wont it worked
ok on XP. can not find any information on this can someone help.!

Bruce Chambers

kanjiman said:
I am logged on to my computer as administrator, I load new software no
problem, the new software is there everything ok so far... Then I click to
open the software application and this message appears ( To start this
application for the first time or to activate, log in using an
administrator-level account , From then on, you can use any user account to
star this application ) ? I am an administrator I tried it with a new
administrator account same message what the hell does vista wont it worked
ok on XP. can not find any information on this can someone help.!

Contact the makers of that particular software for assistance. The
message cited makes it fairly clear that it's the program that is having
the problem, not the OS.


Bruce Chambers

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They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. -Bertrand Russell

Michel Doucet

Le Sat, 15 Sep 2007 09:05:41 -0600, Bruce Chambers (Bruce Chambers
Contact the makers of that particular software for assistance.

Is it not Vista which is a "particular" OS ?

Bruce Chambers

Michel said:
Le Sat, 15 Sep 2007 09:05:41 -0600, Bruce Chambers (Bruce Chambers

Is it not Vista which is a "particular" OS ?

No. The OP clearly said he was installing a 3rd party software
product, and it was that product that was giving him the error message.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. -Bertrand Russell

Jane C

Hi kanjiman.

Right click on the shortcut to the program and select 'Run as Administrator'
to launch the program for the first time.

In Vista, even though you have an administrative account, it runs as a
standard user unless and until your administrator credentials are required.
In this case, the program needs your administrative credentials to launch
for the first time. A fully Vista-aware program would give you a UAC prompt
to provide your administrative permissions.

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