Administers Password?



Can anyone tell me where i might find the Administers password? Is that the
serial code for my XP disk? Help!!


Its whatever password you entered when you set up win, though if PC supplied
allready configured your supplier may have set a default password, which
they should be able to tell you, if its not in the documentation.
I assume you've tried a 'blank' password?

Bruce Chambers

tobyjug01 said:
Can anyone tell me where i might find the Administers password? Is that the
serial code for my XP disk? Help!!

Unless you've deliberately set the Administrator's password via the
Management Console (_not_ the Control Panel), it's probably still blank.
WinXP Pro asks the user to set the Administrator's password during
installation, but WinXP Home doesn't.

How to Log On to Windows XP If You Forget Your Password or Your
Password Expires;en-us;Q321305

Also, Linux-based password cracking utilities abound on the Internet,
freely available to anyone who can use Google.


Bruce Chambers

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