Address Bar - Explorer



Is there a way to make the address bar show file paths like this

I can double-click in the address bar and revert to the old file and folder
path on a one-time basis but I want this to be a static change. Please

Jian-Ping Zhu [MSFT]


Thank you for your post.

As we know, the Explorer Address Bar in Windows Vista has been improved to
make it more convenient for operation.

For example, If you click on one of the folders in the address bar, this
will open it directly.

On the other hand, if you want to change file path to the full path, you
could just click the little icon at the left side of the Address bar or
left click on an empty area of the address bar.

The following article provides a good introduction regarding Windows
Explorer Address Bar which might be helpful to you.

I hope this helps. Thanks.

Neo Zhu,
Microsoft Online Support
Microsoft Global Technical Support Center

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Is there a way to make the address bar show file paths like this

I can double-click in the address bar and revert to the old file and folder
path on a one-time basis but I want this to be a static change. Please

I would love to make it this way permenantly. The new address bar
seems like a half assed implementation. There are a couple pro's if
you are using the mouse, but the amount of room it takes up means I
have to work just as much or more to use it for navigation in nested

What would make it more usefull is for the size to decrease so that
the entire path fits in, and give the address bar buttons the same
context menu's that you get in explorer.

Failing that - I too would love to have it always show the text path.

(And Neo Zhu - thanks for the informative post, but it in no way comes
close to answering the question)


Is there a way to make the address bar show file paths like this

I can double-click in the address bar and revert to the old file and
path on a one-time basis but I want this to be a static change. Please

I would love to make it this way permenantly. The new address bar
seems like a half assed implementation. There are a couple pro's if
you are using the mouse, but the amount of room it takes up means I
have to work just as much or more to use it for navigation in nested

What would make it more usefull is for the size to decrease so that
the entire path fits in, and give the address bar buttons the same
context menu's that you get in explorer.

Failing that - I too would love to have it always show the text path.

(And Neo Zhu - thanks for the informative post, but it in no way comes
close to answering the question)

Now honestly how often does one "work" in nested folders so far down the
address path isn't long enough for? I've been computing for over 20 years
and not once did I ever have to "work" that deep in a folder. Maybe I just
organize my folder structure in a more usable order then most.


Maybe we should have DOS commands have the same feature.

I just prefer the look of the old. Its easier to picture in the mind. It is
a busy new look and I want file paths done correctly.

Jian-Ping Zhu [MSFT]


Thank you for the reply and sorry for the misunderstanding.

However, based on my research, I am sorry to let you know that there should
be no methods to let address bar always show full path automatically, and I
did not find any option to adjust it. It should be a by-design feature.


Neo Zhu,
Microsoft Online Support
Microsoft Global Technical Support Center

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