Additional transitions for PS3



I've just started looking at Movie Maker and Photo Story 3 to create a
slideshow. At this point it's planned to be using all photos and not
any digital video.

Where can I find additional transitions to use with PS3? I've read
about the addin from Adorage for MovieMaker, but haven't found anything
for Photo Story.

I'd also like to see a feature comparison of MM and PS. I've read the
overview on PapaJohn's site, but I'm not clear on when on product is
better to use over the other (except that PS can't do video).

If this has been covered in previous posts - please let me know some
keywords to search on. I hate it when newbies ask questions that have
been hashed over and over, but I couldn't find any relevent posts.

PapaJohn \(MVP\)

There are no 3rd party add-in packages for PS3 as there are for Movie

I guess that illustrates a case about when to use one project versus the
other... if you like an Adorage transition for MM2, make the clips in PS3
and put them together in MM2 with the transtion.

I haven't seen a simple tabular comparison of the two...


Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 -
Photo Story 2 -

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