Adding users to a database



Hello I would like to have users log into the database and they're name
automatically come up on the first form when they log in, how do I do this?
Is it like adding a password to a database? Any suggestions would be greatly

Dale Fye


I usually create a users table with their userid, last_name, First_name,
logged_on_at, and a couple of other fields). When they open the application,
I get their userid using the code found at the following site:

Then I check the users table to determine whether this userid is in my
table. If not, I popup a users form and have them fill in their name and
other information I am collecting, including filling in the Logged_on_at
field (using Now()). If they are already in the users table, I just fill in
the Logged_on_At field and take them straight to my splash screen, where you
could display their name using the DLOOKUP function and their UserID.

When I do this, I also include some code in my splash screens Close event to
set the Logged_on_at field to NULL for that user. I keep my splash screen
open but hidden as long as the application is open.


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Hi Roger, I liked the example however I don't understand some things. First I
already have a form that I want to open up after the user enter their name,
instead of the query table openning up. Second How do I make the query relate
to an existing form? I know I can make a new form through the wizard which is
based on the query but I'm not sure how to do this with an existing form?

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