Adding up times



I have used the formula below to work out the amount of hours from a start
time to a finish time for each day.

Start - Finish - Total Hours


It works fine and give me the result but if I try to add the weeks hours I
get is 00:00:00.

Each sell has a formula which shows the correct times but the value shown
can not be used.

I hope this makes sense as it has got me beaten.

Any help would be appreciated.


Niek Otten

You can't add text.

Replace this:




and format Custom as "h:mm:ss"

Format the total as Custom:


This will prevent the sum from topping over at 24 hours

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

|I have used the formula below to work out the amount of hours from a start
| time to a finish time for each day.
| Start - Finish - Total Hours
| =TEXT(D3-C3,"h:mm:ss")
| It works fine and give me the result but if I try to add the weeks hours I
| get is 00:00:00.
| Each sell has a formula which shows the correct times but the value shown
| can not be used.
| I hope this makes sense as it has got me beaten.
| Any help would be appreciated.
| Tia

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