Adding up Percentage calculated series of numbers



Adding up Percentage calculated series of numbers????
I am adding a series of numbers that have been rounded to the 2nd decimal
point. I have a calculation to receive a result, such as. (8.9%)123.00= 10.947
thus rounding gets (10.947 rounded to 10.95)
Now if a series of Rounded numbers are totaled (=Sum[Number]) in the footer
I will receive in the total a number that totals not the rounded numbers but
the "real" number out 10.947...... I am using currency format with 2 decimal
settings in the tables General property.
23.335 rounded = 23.34
12.259 rounded = 12.26
15.237 rounded = 15.24
18.248 rounded = 18.25
Real Total 69.079 Rounded Total = 69.09 Or .01 higher than the Real sum

How can I resolve this???????????

Rick Brandt

LD said:
Adding up Percentage calculated series of numbers????
I am adding a series of numbers that have been rounded to the 2nd
decimal point. I have a calculation to receive a result, such as.
(8.9%)123.00= 10.947 thus rounding gets (10.947 rounded to 10.95)
Now if a series of Rounded numbers are totaled (=Sum[Number]) in the
I will receive in the total a number that totals not the rounded
numbers but the "real" number out 10.947...... I am using currency
format with 2 decimal settings in the tables General property.
23.335 rounded = 23.34
12.259 rounded = 12.26
15.237 rounded = 15.24
18.248 rounded = 18.25
Real Total 69.079 Rounded Total = 69.09 Or .01 higher than the
Real sum

How can I resolve this???????????

First go to a Newsgroup procedures site and look up the difference between
Crossposting and Multiposting (and why one is ok and the other is not).

Marshall Barton

LD said:
Adding up Percentage calculated series of numbers????
I am adding a series of numbers that have been rounded to the 2nd decimal
point. I have a calculation to receive a result, such as. (8.9%)123.00= 10.947
thus rounding gets (10.947 rounded to 10.95)
Now if a series of Rounded numbers are totaled (=Sum[Number]) in the footer
I will receive in the total a number that totals not the rounded numbers but
the "real" number out 10.947...... I am using currency format with 2 decimal
settings in the tables General property.
23.335 rounded = 23.34
12.259 rounded = 12.26
15.237 rounded = 15.24
18.248 rounded = 18.25
Real Total 69.079 Rounded Total = 69.09 Or .01 higher than the Real sum

How can I resolve this???????????

Asked and explained in another newsgroup.

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