Adding shortcuts to Start|All Programs?



I cloned and replaced my hard drive recently to a new, faster HD.

95% of my programs work as before. However, some programs have lost their
proprietary icons on the Start|All Programs menu (eg Adobe programs) and in
some cases, clicking on the menu shortcut starts a search for a program
which is now in a new disk partition location.

I have been able to place these rebellious shortcuts on the desktop in
WindowsXP|Pro without a problem. How do I restore the program to the
Start|All Programs menu? (I tried dragging and dropping without effect).

Also, how do I restore the proprietary icons on both the Start|All Programs
menu and the desktop?



Thanks but this doesn't seem to address my issues of (a) restoring an
application to the Startup|All Programs list and (b) associating a file on
the desktop with an application icon.

werner stern

Takes hard work. I went through this. You have got to do it manually. I
placed shortcust on the desktop then went into explorer and went to
documents and settings. Found the locations of the desktop and dragged and
dropped the icons from there to the start menu/programs. It's slow work but
by holding down the control key you can keep them in both locations.

After that you can get cute and put in groups such as CD programs,
Anti-virus/spyware programs etc.

Hope this helps you. I call it the "brute force method".

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