adding same format for colunm



Thanks for those that helped me with my last time question. Would of replied
back on my original post but can't find it now. Anyway, the question now is.
How do i format a colunm for the time formula. =D2-D1 + (D2<D1). I have 35
more cells to do. Can it be done without doing each cell one at a time?


I guess i should tell you. I'm very new to excel. Self teaching.
I just tried that. It didn't work. I'll explain what i'm doing.

col C col D col E
I've formatted the columns properly to hh:mm. I'm putting the formula in
column E. When i try and drag the formula. it only changes the C&D columns
not the E column, if i'm making sense.

Gord Dibben

Do you want a running total in Column E?

How about =D1-C1 in E1

Then =E1 + (D2-C2) in E2

Copy that down.

Assumes your formula below is a misprint and you have intime in column C and
outtime in column D.

If you just want the difference for each row.

=D1-C1 in E1.......................copy down.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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