adding colored cells only



I am wanting to add specifice colored cells only on my worksheet, the colors
represent stages that different orders are in and would like to keep a
running dollar amount total in each stage - maybe a conditional format? I
don't know how to tell excel to add only a certain color of cell - is it
possible without buying an additional program?



You must use VBA, here is some code you could modify:

Function SumFormats(R As Range, E As Range) As Integer
Dim cell As Range
Dim Total As Integer
Dim T As Boolean
Set S = E.Cells(1, 1)
Total = 0
For Each cell In R
T = True
With cell
If .Font.ColorIndex <> S.Font.ColorIndex Then T = False
If .Interior.ColorIndex <> S.Interior.ColorIndex Then T = False
If .Font.Bold <> S.Font.Bold Then T = False
If .Font.Italic <> S.Font.Italic Then T = False
If .Font.Underline <> S.Font.Underline Then T = False
End With
If T = True Then
Total = Total + cell
End If
Next cell
CountFormats = Total
End Function

If you are only interested in the background color take out the 4 lines for

This creates a custom function, which you use by typing a formula such as
this in the spreadsheet:


This formula would check the format of H1 and sum all the cells in the range
A1:F13 which had the same color format.

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