Adding Border to an object moves the caption!??



Hi. I have a VISIO object copied to Word. It needs the full width of the
page. I added a Caption to this object. I wanted to have visible borders
around this object but as soon as this border is added the sign for the
paragraph separation next to the object in the lower left corner slips into
the next line and moves the caption too far away from the object! How can I
change this behaviour?
I don't want to change the size of the object if it's possible to manage
otherwise, because I might need to update it quite often but don't want to
change the size allways when I pasted it into word.

Any suggestions?

Word Heretic

G'day bandy2000 <[email protected]>,

By adding a border you have added extra pixels to the page - thus
crowding your caption off. Best bet would be to manually reduce the
space before setting for the caption para in question.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

bandy2000 reckoned:

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