Adding Audio to a Slide Transition -Help!



I've added an audio wav file (542 KB) to a slide
transition. The audio file won't play.

I know I am adding the file the correct way: Slide Show,
Slide Transition, then under sounds I browse to find my
wav file and import.

I have placed the wav file into the folder where the
Powerpoint presentation resides hoping that would resolve
the problem.

I have also played the wav file in Windows Media Player
and it plays fine. I changed the name of the audio file
thinking that might help. It did not help. I am able to
add the "default" files such as applause, arrow etc. to
the transition without any problems.

Is there any other way to import an audio file to a slide
transition other than the "normal" way? I've got to get
this audio file to play. Thank you for your help. -S

Austin Myers

Do you get an error message? Are you certain it won't play? The reason I
as is that PPT caches quite a bit of data and it may take awhile for a music
file that large to start playing.

Oops, hang on. Hmm, the largest wav file you can embed is 500K. That may
be causing the problem. I don't know if it is handled the same way as other
inserted wav files but if you can get it under 500K it may solve the

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team


You should be able to adjust the max size of the embedded wav file by
altering the user setting.

Click Tools | Options | General (tab) | Link sounds over ??? kb
Exact path to option will vary according to PowerPoint version.


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