Adding Attributes to RadioButtonList Items?


Mike S

I am trying to use a RadioButtonList bound to a custom datasource to
acomplish some user functionality. I want to add various
onmouseover/onmouseout/onblur/onfocus events to each individual ListItem
housed by the RadioButtonList; however, the rbl.Items[n].Attributes.Add(
eventName, callFunction ) model does not work for this--I can only add
attributes to the rbl object itself: Is there a built-in way to do this that
I am missing (without creating a custom RadioButtonList server control)?

Thank in advance for any advice,
Mike S

Mike S

I guess I'll build my own custom implementation; I will post a link to it
here when it's finished.

Does anyone have any features they would like to see implemented?

-- Custom RadioButtonList Server Control --
-- Custom Server Control --
-- Radio Button List --
-- RadioButtonList --

Victor Garcia Aprea said:
Hi Mike,

You've hit a well-known bug. Do a quick search on
to find tons of post about it. I've posted about it more than a year ago
along with some code to work-around it.

Victor Garcia Aprea
Microsoft MVP | ASP.NET
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and not by private mail.

Mike S said:
I am trying to use a RadioButtonList bound to a custom datasource to
acomplish some user functionality. I want to add various
onmouseover/onmouseout/onblur/onfocus events to each individual ListItem
housed by the RadioButtonList; however, the rbl.Items[n].Attributes.Add(
eventName, callFunction ) model does not work for this--I can only add
attributes to the rbl object itself: Is there a built-in way to do this that
I am missing (without creating a custom RadioButtonList server control)?

Thank in advance for any advice,
Mike S

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