Adding another account exactly the same as Administrator?


Pheasant Plucker®

When I initially carried out a virgin install of WinXP it gave me the
opportunity to setup a user account as expected.

However when I was forced to format & reinstall due to problems with
Logitech MX5000 cordless desktop (anyone else had this problem?) for some
reason I never noticed the option to create a user account...instead the
system defaulted to Administrator.

I have installed many programs and configured everything the way I like it
but the only thing bugging me is the 'formal' name and length of
Administrator and the time taken to type it...;^)

How do I set up a user account in my own name but with everything exactly
the same as the Administrator account?

I am guessing I can't just rename the Administrator account and if I create
a new user account with Admin rights I will lose some of the
settings/preferences I have already setup with regard to email/news
accounts, desktop, program appearance, settings etc.

How best to duplicate the Administrator account but substituting my own name
( a four letter word ;^)in place of Administrator without losing any
modified settings, preferences etc?

Thanks & regards,

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Pheasant Plucker® said:
When I initially carried out a virgin install of WinXP it gave me the
opportunity to setup a user account as expected.

However when I was forced to format & reinstall due to problems with
Logitech MX5000 cordless desktop (anyone else had this problem?) for some
reason I never noticed the option to create a user account...instead the
system defaulted to Administrator.

I have installed many programs and configured everything the way I like it
but the only thing bugging me is the 'formal' name and length of
Administrator and the time taken to type it...;^)

How do I set up a user account in my own name but with everything exactly
the same as the Administrator account?

I am guessing I can't just rename the Administrator account and if I create
a new user account with Admin rights I will lose some of the
settings/preferences I have already setup with regard to email/news
accounts, desktop, program appearance, settings etc.

How best to duplicate the Administrator account but substituting my own name
( a four letter word ;^)in place of Administrator without losing any
modified settings, preferences etc?

Thanks & regards,

Use the recipe I gave you in the Win2000.general newsgroup
to create a suitable "Default User" profile folder.

Kerry Brown

There's a couple of ways to do it.

Here's one:

I prefer a different method. Save your current settings with the Files and
Settings Transfer wizard. Create a folder called Transfer and save the data
there. Create a new account. Logon to that account and import the old
account data using F.A.S.T. Once you are sure that everything is transferred
you can delete the Transfer folder and the files in the Administrator
account. DO NOT delete the administrator account. If you are not sure what
files are safe to delete then just leave them.;en-us;306186


Pheasant said:
When I initially carried out a virgin <snip>

Was that a virgin Pheasant, or a virgin human, Pheasant Phucker?

Kurt Kirsch
Self-anointed Moderator
"It'll soon shake your Windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'."

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