Adding a number to multiple cells at once



Hi, I've got a problem that I just don't really know how to word right to
search for a solution to:

I've got a large spreadsheet with lots of number, not formulas, in the
cells. I need to multiply every number in the sheets by 5, but I have no
idea how to apply that to cells. How would I go about adding/multiplying
numbers in a range of cells?



Enter 5 into any blank cell
Copy that cell
Select your range of numbers to multiply
From the Edit Menu, select "Paste Special..."
Check "Multiply" option
Click OK
Delete the 5 you entered originally


JE McGimpsey

One way:

Enter 5 in an empty cell. Copy the cell. Select the values to be
increased. Choose Edit/Paste Special, selecting the Values and Multiply
radio buttons. Click OK.

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