Adding a new rule to spelling



I design Database's, & because I hate %20's in names that get on the web, I
use the "_" character in field names, table names, or anything that I've used
in describing or naming data objects. I like to make these things easy to
read. I like easy to read.

The problem is with Word 2003 is that it flags anything with the underscore
as a spelling error. I'm not real happy trying to put every one of these
special "words" into the custom dictionary.....but wondered if there is a
simple way to catch all words that contain the underscore...and just ignore
them. I'm also not able to upgrade to current status is
"un-employed" & new software is not an option these least here in

I tried the quick & easy "*_*" but as expected, that did not work. I'm OK
with writing something in VBA if that is required, but off the top, I'm not
exactly sure where to start in the Word document model. Any clues?


Interesting that "VBA" is not a "standard" word in the official dictionary...

Stefan Blom

You can create a character style, set the "Do not check spelling or grammar"
option, and apply the style to text that you don't want to be spell-checked.

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