Adding a Date Criteria to a report




I created a select query with the criteria Between[Enter the begining
date] And [Enter the Ending Date] - this workes well but I want the
begining and end date criteria to appear on the report header. How can
I acheive this? Plaese advise. I did create a text box in the report
header and entered the same criteria as above but it gave me a syntex
error. Then I entered the expression "Between " & Enter the Begining
Date} & " AND " & {Enter ending Date] in the text box. When I ran the
report, the start date and end date were not visible - the report
displayed the same criteria I typed - Between " & Enter the Begining
Date} & " AND " & {Enter ending Date]. Please help.

Thank you in advance Shyamalee

Allen Browne

Break the problem down.

Try a text box with Control Source of:
=[Enter the begining date]

Once you have that working, you can try:
="Between " & Format([Enter the begining date], "Short Date") &
" and " & Format([Enter the Ending Date], "Short Date")

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