Add updated time to each slide in powerpoint



I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to add a timestamp
to each slide that updates continuously? I guess it would
be similiar to a news ticker that constantly updates stock
prices, or weather, except I want the current time
instead. I found one add-in that was available, but it
didn't do exactly what I wanted. It did update from one
slide to the next, but it was in military time. Any
suggestions would be great.

Mike M.

That is the usual response to your question. It's good that you answered
your own question correctly. I thik there is at least one more add-in
(Shyam's?) if you are not satisfied. This question has been asked alot so a
Google group search should turn up many suggestions.

TAJ Simmons


We're trying to get all the posters to this newsgroup to answer their own
questions. But it's currently running at 1%


Mike M.

Hmmm, then I think you need to post a FAQ on how to ask "the right"
question. If posters only ask questions they know the answers to then this
newsgroup would be in Ripley's as well as Guiness. Now that is an
achievement we should all strive for.

Ex. What is Mike's favorite, segmented, sauteed, squiggly food?

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