Add radio button into datagrid




I appreciate if someone provide sample codes of how to add radio buttons
into a datagrid.


Li said:

I appreciate if someone provide sample codes of how to add radio buttons
into a datagrid.

Use this script to create RadioButtons. When a RadioButton is clicked,
OnCheckedChanged event will be fired. Write a server-side code to catch
this event.

<asp:DataGrid id="dgOrnek" runat="server"

<asp:RadioButton AutoPostBack=True
id="rbsira" Text='deneme' runat="server"/>

Dim sRbText as String = ""
Public Sub DetayGoster(sender as object, e as eventargs)
Dim rb as New RadioButton
rb= (RadioButton) sender
sRbText = rb.ClientId

Dim item

For each item in dgOrnek.Items
rb = (RadioButton) i.FindControl("rbsira")
rb.Checked = false
if sRbText=rb.ClientID then
rb.Checked = true
txtSiraNo.Text = rb.Text.Trim()
// if you want to get a property of the selected id
end if
End Sub

In VB.NET you have to find out how to translate
rb= (RadioButton) sender (taken from c#)

i think you should try as
rb = sender

Best of luck ;)

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