Add or Remove Programs never shows list of installed programs



A day or so after a BSOD crash, I am no longer able to unintall any programs
because the Add or Remove Programs window only shows "Please wait while the
list is being populated."

Is there a file I can restore from I386, or is there a Windows Update file I
can re-install to fix this? I haven't noticed any other problems on my PC
(yet) as a result of this crash.

Bert Kinney

Hi Tom,

How many days has it been sense the crash?

If it's been within a few days, I would suggest using System Restore to
restore the system to the day before the crash.

All About System Restore in WinXP


Thanks, Bert. Tried System Restore. Picked a date I thought was before the
crash, but after the reboot, was told no changes were made.

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