add "not in list" entry to a lookup column



This may be entirley basic, but I seem to have gotten myself stuck.

I am compiling results from a survey and would like to use a "lookup" to
offer entries. I have set up my two tables, and I have set the required field
as a lookup column for the main table. I have selected the "limit to list"
function in order to hopefully be able to use the "onnotinlist" feature that
I have been playing around with.

I seem to arrive at my problems when I attempt to have access add a new
entry to the lookup feild in the secondary table.
I have generated a form that utilizes the main table to collect entries, and
I have attempted to create an [event procedure] for the forms (field)
"OnNotInList" function....
Nothing seems to be working.
I have read many other posts, and tried a few suggestions that have been
Is there more to my problem than meets the eye? Are lookup columns uselss?
Should I approach this from another direction??

Any help would be appreciated!!!

Thanks all....

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