Add footers in 20 worksheets at once



I have a EXCEL workbook with about 20 worksheets. These worksheets
are set up with different characteristics for printing, e.g., each has
a different header and some are portrait and some are landscape.

I want to add a common footer to all worksheets at once without
messing up the exisiting print characteristics.

Is there any way of doing that?


Ron de Bruin

Group all sheets Nick

Right click on a sheet tab and choose Select all sheets
Then change the footer
And then ungroup the sheets

Gord Dibben

Sub Path_All_Sheets()
Set wkbktodo = ActiveWorkbook
For Each ws In wkbktodo.Worksheets
ws.PageSetup.RightFooter = ActiveWorkbook.FullName & " " & Chr(13) _
& Application.UserName & " " & Date
End Sub

Won't change any of the other print setup characteristics.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Gord Dibben


That would also force each sheet to have the other print charateristics of the
active sheet thus changing orientation and the custom headers on each sheet.


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