add checkbox to an option frame


Mark J Kubicki

I'd like to add a check box within the frame of an option button group
i.e.: if the user selects one option button, then the checkbox would be an
option for that choice, if the user check a different option button,
different check box options would apply

graphically it would make sense for them to be in the same frame; however,
when I add the check boxes, they are being looked at as an additional option
within the group.

suggestions (is this even possible - to add check boxes within a frame that
are not part of the option group?

thanks in advance,

Allen Browne

No, the check boxes are either part of the option group (so part of its
value) or independent (not part of the group.)

You probably need stand-alone check boxes. Place them on the form outside
the group. You can move them into the same space as the group afterwards so
they look like they are involved with the group, even though they are

Use the AfterUpdate event of the group to set the visible or enabled
property of the check boxes. As you select an option, the appropriate
sub-options will then become available.

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