add attachment function disabled


Urs Ruefenacht

If I open a saved custom post form, the add attachment function in the
toolbar is disabled. Is there a way to enable the function?

thx in advance - cheers

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Do you have a message control on the form? Did you choose Edit | Revise
Contents before trying to insert an attachment?

Urs Ruefenacht

It's not problem to attach a file on the form. But if I save the form
and open it again, the add attachment function in the toolbar is
disabled. That's a normal behavior ("non-custom-forms" have the same
behavior). But I like to add attachments even the form is reopened.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

And the answers to the questions I asked are? They might well be relevant.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Urs Ruefenacht

Yes, I have a message control on the form. If I choose "Edit | Revise
Contents", it works. Is it possible to choose "Edit | Revise Contents"
by vba?

Urs Ruefenacht


Set objReviseContents = objCommandBars.FindControl(, 3273)

hhe objReviseContents is still nothing.

Is 3273 the wrong id?

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