Actual position of a row




I have a dataset whose view I bind to a datagrid. I sort this datagrid in different ways. Is it possible to find out the actual position of a row in the dataset from this dataview? If yes, how

Thanks for all inputs



Use the BindingContext property for the control, pass the dataset/datatable to which you have bound the control to, and then use the Position property

Eg: this.BindingContext[MyDataset11].Positio
where this would represent the instance of some control



Hi Benny

if your application is a webapp , another way it to define a
datakeyfiled ... it shoud be the primary key of the table of the dataset
using this you can get the row inside the dataset , what you
will be doing is ..... get the primary key value "from the selected row of
the datagrid" , then use it to get a referece to the row inside the
dataset.... you can write code like this in the command item event handler
of a datagird to change value in the correspondent row inside the database
private void DataGrid1_ItemCommand(object source,
System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e)

DataRow row =
//now that you got the row , you can do all the modifications on it

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