ActiveCell and TextBox



I have on my worksheet a textbox that i want to display a message
depending on which cell is highlighted.

im using this code for the updatung of the text box
ActiveSheet.TextBox1.Object.Value = "message"

depending on which cell is selected a different message will be shown.

thanks in advance

Tom Ogilvy

Right click on the worksheet tab and select view code. In the left dropdown
at the top of the module select Workbook. From the right dropdown at the
top of the module select SelectionChange. You will get a event procedure
declaration like this:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

End Sub

This will fire each time you change the selection, so you can use it to
update your textbox

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Select Case Target.Address(0,0)
Case "C1"
ActiveSheet.TextBox1.Value = "One"
Case "D3", "F1", "M12"
ActiveSheet.Textbox1.Value = "Two
Case Else
ActiveSheet.TextBox1.Value = ""
end Select
End Sub


Brilliant, works perfectly.

Thank you

Tom said:
Right click on the worksheet tab and select view code. In the left dropdown
at the top of the module select Workbook. From the right dropdown at the
top of the module select SelectionChange. You will get a event procedure
declaration like this:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

End Sub

This will fire each time you change the selection, so you can use it to
update your textbox

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Select Case Target.Address(0,0)
Case "C1"
ActiveSheet.TextBox1.Value = "One"
Case "D3", "F1", "M12"
ActiveSheet.Textbox1.Value = "Two
Case Else
ActiveSheet.TextBox1.Value = ""
end Select
End Sub


One more question, this method works fine but doesnt work on merged
cells. any ideas?

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