Active X Control Message



When browsing any website the message keeps appearing that the security
settings are not allowing the page to be displayed properly. The web page is
displaying properly and I can't get rid of the message window.

XP Home Edition

Security is set at custom, medium with all active X areas at enabled. Even
if I change the setting to medium-low it will default back to medium. Is
there a resolution?
Thank you for your assistance


I'm having an ActiveX issue too. The error message is that ActiveX will not
enable page to display, even though my settings are all correct. My IE was
hijacked recently & this seems to be a residual problem from that experience.

This web site was helpful, but it refers to this problem as being in NT & IE
5 or lower. I'm running the latest XP & IE (which I just downloaded to help
solve this problem). Anyone have any ideas?

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