[Active Directory] best protocols



does anyone has axperience with accessing AD information through VB.Net. Is
the best protocol LDAP? does anyone has a site for information about AD and
VB.Net cause it's the first time i have to work with active directory in
vb.net so all sources of information would be helpfull. Thanks


AFAIK, the only protocol is LDAP. You need to add a reference to Active DS
i believe.

Then use:

Dim oContainer As IADsContainer
Dim oUser As IADsUser

oContainer = GetObject

oUser = oContainer.Create("user", "CN=" & "SmithA")
oUser.FirstName = "Alan"
oUser.LastName = "Smith"

This is an example. Obviously you need to set more properties!


AFAIK, the only protocol is LDAP. You need to add a reference to Active DS
i believe.

Then use:

Dim oContainer As IADsContainer
Dim oUser As IADsUser

oContainer = GetObject

oUser = oContainer.Create("user", "CN=" & "SmithA")
oUser.FirstName = "Alan"
oUser.LastName = "Smith"

This is an example. Obviously you need to set more properties!

Paul Clement

¤ AFAIK, the only protocol is LDAP. You need to add a reference to Active DS
¤ i believe.

The WinNT provider is also available for both NT and AD domains. Sometimes it's much easier to use
but is considerably less capable.

Paul ~~~ (e-mail address removed)
Microsoft MVP (Visual Basic)


For the moment i can read through a hierachie of the AD by browsing bye the
use of LDAP:// strings

Now i can get to the level of finding the string of a user
but now the problems is, how do i find date about the users. I Would like to
retrieve his emailaddress and the groups his in.

Does anyone know a way?

or a simple way to find a user in the active directory, or to find a group
and retrieving it's users...

thxs in advance

Paul Clement

¤ For the moment i can read through a hierachie of the AD by browsing bye the
¤ use of LDAP:// strings
¤ Now i can get to the level of finding the string of a user
¤ LDAP://CN=BlendemanDirk,OU=Users,OU=Antwerp,OU=BE,OU=SE,DC=be,DC=domain,DC=w
¤ e
¤ but now the problems is, how do i find date about the users. I Would like to
¤ retrieve his emailaddress and the groups his in.
¤ Does anyone know a way?
¤ or a simple way to find a user in the active directory, or to find a group
¤ and retrieving it's users...

The following code should help:

Public Function GetUserInfo(ByVal UserID As String)

Dim RootDSE As New DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://RootDSE")
Dim DomainDN As String = RootDSE.Properties("DefaultNamingContext").Value
Dim ADEntry As New DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" & DomainDN)
Dim ADSearch As New System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher(ADEntry)

If UserID = "" Then
UserID = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent.Name.Split("\"c)(1)
End If

Dim ADSearchResult As System.DirectoryServices.SearchResult
ADSearch.Filter = ("(samAccountName=" & UserID & ")")
ADSearch.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree
Dim UserFound As SearchResult = ADSearch.FindOne()
Dim propertyCount As Integer = UserFound.Properties("memberOf").Count
If Not IsNothing(UserFound) Then
Dim propertyCounter As Integer
Dim dn As String

For propertyCounter = 0 To propertyCount - 1

dn = CType(UserFound.Properties("memberOf")(propertyCounter), String)
End If

End Function

Microsoft MVP (Visual Basic)

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