Active Content/Macros



Excel 2007
I have a worksheet that used to auto-number itself whenever I opened it and
gave permision. Now I get the message: Run-time error '9': subscript out of
How can I fix this?

Dave Peterson

That error indicates that something you used in your code doesn't exist anymore
(or has been renamed).

It could be something like:
worksheets("Sheet3").range("A1").value = "hi"
And sheet3 has been renamed or deleted.

worksheets(3).range("A1").value = "hi"
and there aren't 3 worksheets.

But it's gonna be difficult to help diagnose your problem since you didn't share
the code.

If you have trouble debugging, then post the relevant portion and indicate which
line is causing the trouble.


You have a macro running that is creating an error. You need to post which
line is being highlighted when the error occurs. If there is no line being
highlighted then look in the Macros (Alt F11 from worksheet) for the lines
that have ON ERROR and put a single quote at the begining of the line so the
code will stop and highlight the line where the problem is occuring.

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