"Action Canceled..." error message



Every IE6 window I open up has a the same error message posted, "Action Failed. Internet Explorer cannot link to requested web page....." Most of the time. it will open the page, but this error message is always present somewhere and it sometimes covers information or pictures. There are a few gamesites, like Pogo.com, where the page will be displayed and you can connect to, the links, but when you try to load a game, you just get that error message. It doesn't freeze up or anything... Any ideas?

H Leboeuf

It may be a HOSTS file problem.
Look also for a file named HOSTS (no extension, could be hidden) rename it

Pogo.com is an ad generated site that "requires" doubleclick and several
other tracking servers.
When doubleclick and the others are blocked you can not access the games on
that site.

So it's either don't go there or use the "toggle method" to access the
games? [ugh!]
Their "privacy policy" and Terms of Use" pages are downright scary!
Source: Mike Burgess http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/

Henri Leboeuf
Web page: http://www.generation.net/~hleboeuf/index.htm

Danigirl said:
Every IE6 window I open up has a the same error message posted, "Action
Failed. Internet Explorer cannot link to requested web page....." Most of
the time. it will open the page, but this error message is always present
somewhere and it sometimes covers information or pictures. There are a few
gamesites, like Pogo.com, where the page will be displayed and you can
connect to, the links, but when you try to load a game, you just get that
error message. It doesn't freeze up or anything... Any ideas?

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