ACPolicy keeps changing back.



I have set up a XPE build to keep the display on all the time.
Setting the ACPolicy values (C0 & C1 set to 00)

I am also using EWF RAM (REG) mode.
This works fine until I need to change some settings.

The system boots up and automatically logs in with a limited access user
I then need to log out and back in as administrator.

If I then go into regedit and look at the ACPolicy, the two values at C0
and C1 have changed back to default values( B4 and 04).
Consequently if I commit the changes to EWF, the display goes off after a

At the moment I have to change this every time I want to commit changes.
Is this a bug?



Try to set the following keys at once, commit the changes and reboot:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power],"ACPolicy"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\PowerCfg\PowerPolicies\0],"Policies" (instead of 0 use
the power scheme currently set on your device)
[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\PowerCfg\PowerPolicies\0],"Policies"

I'd suggest you to set the right power policies on XP Pro machine, grab the mentioned keys from there and add them at XPe run time.


Sorry, I'm not sure what you've asked me to do.
I have built the image with the power policy set to "always on" (3).
I am unsure what I am changing in

KM said:

Try to set the following keys at once, commit the changes and reboot:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power],"ACPolicy"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\PowerCfg\PowerPolicies\0],"Policies" (instead of 0 use
the power scheme currently set on your device)
[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\PowerCfg\PowerPolicies\0],"Policies"

I'd suggest you to set the right power policies on XP Pro machine, grab the mentioned keys from there and add them at XPe run time.

KM, BSquare Corp.

I have set up a XPE build to keep the display on all the time.
Setting the ACPolicy values (C0 & C1 set to 00)

I am also using EWF RAM (REG) mode.
This works fine until I need to change some settings.

The system boots up and automatically logs in with a limited access user
I then need to log out and back in as administrator.

If I then go into regedit and look at the ACPolicy, the two values at C0
and C1 have changed back to default values( B4 and 04).
Consequently if I commit the changes to EWF, the display goes off after a

At the moment I have to change this every time I want to commit changes.
Is this a bug?



Well.. this is why I suggested to set up the values on XP Pro (you need GUI) and then grab them and put in your XPe system.
I am not sure what bits are going to be changed.

KM, BSquare Corp.

Sorry, I'm not sure what you've asked me to do.
I have built the image with the power policy set to "always on" (3).
I am unsure what I am changing in

KM said:

Try to set the following keys at once, commit the changes and reboot:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power],"ACPolicy"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\PowerCfg\PowerPolicies\0],"Policies" (instead of 0 use
the power scheme currently set on your device)
[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\PowerCfg\PowerPolicies\0],"Policies"

I'd suggest you to set the right power policies on XP Pro machine, grab the mentioned keys from there and add them at XPe run time.

KM, BSquare Corp.

I have set up a XPE build to keep the display on all the time.
Setting the ACPolicy values (C0 & C1 set to 00)

I am also using EWF RAM (REG) mode.
This works fine until I need to change some settings.

The system boots up and automatically logs in with a limited access user
I then need to log out and back in as administrator.

If I then go into regedit and look at the ACPolicy, the two values at C0
and C1 have changed back to default values( B4 and 04).
Consequently if I commit the changes to EWF, the display goes off after a

At the moment I have to change this every time I want to commit changes.
Is this a bug?

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