Acess 2003 Can it be used for book indexes?



I was wondering if I could use a database to store and cross-reference
indexes from various books. I do research and find that many non-fiction
books lack decent indexes, therefore, as I read, I make my own penciled-in
index. I would like to put each book's index that I've generated into a
program that I can print out for each book that is alphabetized, hopefully,
it will do this sorting for me since my notes are not in that form.

Also, I'd like to put in a word of interest, eg. "barometer" and have each
book that has that word in the generated index list for me with the book tile
and its corresponding pages. This would really brighten my day if I could
figure out how to do this.

Anyone with some insight?? I'm grateful for any help. Thank you.


Thank You, Arvin!
I tried to use it and I didn't understand how to use it . Do I need to go
to Word or Excel? to input my index of words first, then use the DocMgr??
How will I get a specific word I'm interested in connecting together from
various books to be generated into one easy answer for me that I can print up
and go to the book resources? I'm a novice just learning to use the Office
suite. I know dealing with beginners like taking 10 steps backward, but, as
you know well, we all have to start the learning path with this stuff. I'm
working my way through a Teach Yourself Visually Access 2002 boook and The
Missing Manual Access 2003 for Starters. Can you help me put the two
together for my purposes? I appreciate your kindness.

I noticed on your site that your "results-oriented." I took training with
Hugh Jarvis so many years ago that it is almost a phantom memory, yet his
Results-Oriented charting for manifesting outcomes has continued to be a
mainstay of my productivity. Was he the inspiration of your results-oriented

Re your mission statement: Do you have a system that deals with an
organizatonal structure that is more of a spider web structure so that while
there is the center of the web, each nexis is a mini hub of the center making
the information flow connected, yet "independent?"

Can Access 97, 2000, 2002 be simply downloaded and successfully use in 2003,
or is that a bad idea?

All To Love, Wondering

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

DocMgr, simply gathers up all the documents (txt, doc, and xls) in a folder
and subfolders and creates connections to them. You then need to go in and
add the descriptions and/or keywords. The search facility then uses those
keywords to find documents and you can click on the hyperlink to open them

PictureMgr does a similar thing for images.

My motto was rephrased from something that Joe Rotello of WindowGroup once
used in an email to me about 9 or 10 years ago. I struck me as the essence
of why I am in business. I have always endeavored to provide a service worth
more than my cost. I have always succeeded.

The samples on my website that are in Access 97 (and haven't already been
converted) are probably 100% convertible. You can also use them directly in
later versions, but don't count on that continuing forever.

Anything that I can do through this forum, I am happy to do to help.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP

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