Accounting project quesiton


Veli Izzet


I have a table where I keep the transactions:

Table is :


The Creditor and Debtors are Banks, Cash, Expenditures, or People, and
they may pay or get paid. (Like I transfer xxx amonut from Bank1 to
Bank2 one day and vice versa the next day)

What I want to do is be able to create reports about their standing
situations (the transactions too) for these.

I can create a query, where I can single out the Creditor/Debtor using:

stLinkCriteria = "[Borclu] =" & "'" & Me![Cari] & "'" & " OR " &
"[Alacakli] =" & "'" & Me![Cari] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , stLinkCriteria

I need to multiply the transactionValue by 1 if they are on the Creditor
(Alacakli) side, and multiply it by -1 if they are on the Debtor side,
and do a running total, and print it on the form.

Here I am stuck and need help..

Thanks for answers

Mike Painter

Veli said:

I have a table where I keep the transactions:

Table is :

Use one field for the ID of the entity and one to indicate if a credit or a

Veli Izzet


Both the Creditor and debtor are in one record.. What is debt for one is
credit for the other, so I cannot and need not use another credit/debit

Anyhow, I solved the problem by using a query and multiplying the Value
by -1 or 1 depending on if the guy being reported about is creditor or
debtor in that situation.

Wolfgang Kais

Hello Veli.

Veli said:
The Creditor and Debtors are Banks, Cash, Expenditures, or People,
and they may pay or get paid. (Like I transfer xxx amonut from
Bank1 to Bank2 one day and vice versa the next day)

What I want to do is be able to create reports about their standing
situations (the transactions too) for these.

I can create a query, where I can single out the Creditor/Debtor using:

stLinkCriteria = "[Borclu] =" & "'" & Me![Cari] & "'" & " OR " &
"[Alacakli] =" & "'" & Me![Cari] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , stLinkCriteria

I need to multiply the transactionValue by 1 if they are on the Creditor
(Alacakli) side, and multiply it by -1 if they are on the Debtor side, and
do a running total, and print it on the form.

For the TransactionValue in your report, use something like:

For the sum in the report footer, you must repeat the formula, like:

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