"Account" button makes text disappear



In Outlook 2007, there is a bug. I have two accounts I access in Outlook,
one covering my home SMTP server and one covering my work SMTP server (what a
mess but that's a different topic). After writing an email I always review
which SMTP server is the default for the reply or new message to make sure it
is going to go out the right "pipe."

However, when I click the "Account" button (just below the "Send" button if
you have two accounts), some (but not all--perhaps half) of the time some of
the text in my email disappears! It is one of the strangest things I've seen.

This seems to be a bug and I thought you should know about it. Now every
time I go to send an email, I find I must press Ctrl-A then Ctrl-C to copy
all text to the clipboard. Then if text disappears, I can just Ctrl-A then
Ctrl-V. This is a little cumbersome.


By the way, I should have said that the text disappears when I select the
proper account (SMTP server) to use, not when I click on the "Account" button.

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