Accidental System 32 File Deletion


Barry Riddell

Hi guys i am desperate for help here I cant load programs
as i accidently deleted a file in the system 32 folder (i
think it was nav32.???) Because of me doing this I cannot
load programs. well I can load internet explorer,
outlook, my docs, my computer but I cant load things like
system restore or any virus checkers.

Please help me on this as I cant do anything.


Did you already empty your recyle bin? If not, go in there
and restore the file. Otherwise you may need to recover
the file from the XP CD, or repair the installation

Barry Riddell

That's right i used to have that then i uninstalled it.

One problem is I can't load it argh im on the phone to
microsoft as we speak. Im in hold.

Thanks for replying so quickly

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