Accessing user accounts after reinstall



Ok, I had to reinstall my Windows XP Home edition. I tried the recovery
method, but when it went through the install, it hung up. After several
attempts, I simply went for a new install of XP Home.

Now, My old accounts are gone (of course), but the folders for them are
still there. How can I reactivate these old accounts that had all my
settings in them? i.e. desktop, favorites, etc.

I probably shoudl of checked here first, but what caused me to reinstall XP
was because my Device Manager came up blank and all my windows networking
icons disappeared. I even went to check to see if PnP was active and it was,
so somewhere something became corrunpt. I am amazed the OS even worked at
that point.

Bruce Chambers

Achoo said:
Ok, I had to reinstall my Windows XP Home edition. I tried the recovery
method, but when it went through the install, it hung up. After several
attempts, I simply went for a new install of XP Home.

Now, My old accounts are gone (of course), but the folders for them are
still there. How can I reactivate these old accounts that had all my
settings in them? i.e. desktop, favorites, etc.

You can't "reactive" or "re-enable" the old user accounts, but you can
copy the data from them, once you've taken ownership.

HOW TO Take Ownership of a File or Folder in WinXP;en-us;Q308421

How to Copy User Data to a New User Profile;en-us;811151


Bruce Chambers

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I don't believe you can, but you should be able to create a new account and
copy most if not all the files over to the new account.


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