Accessing Systems w/Administrator and blank password



I have a set of 3 systems which I use for testing that are connect to a
switch but not the internet. I want to use a blank Admin password but then I
can't access these devices (shares don't like Admin w/o passwords).

What can I change on the 3 systems to allow the shares to work? Would
prefer not to set a password only so I don't forget it.

Shenan Stanley

JohnK said:
I have a set of 3 systems which I use for testing that are connect
to a switch but not the internet. I want to use a blank Admin
password but then I can't access these devices (shares don't like
Admin w/o passwords).

What can I change on the 3 systems to allow the shares to work?
Would prefer not to set a password only so I don't forget it.

What *are* these systems?
(Operating System(s) and versions)


If you're accessing them for file sharing, use a batch file with NET USE
commands. That way you can insert a password into the batch file, so you
don't have to type it. The password is of course visible in the batch-file,
but at least that's far preferable to having no password.

IIRC it's part of the standard security-policy of SP2 that the Administrator
account cannot be accesssed from the network unless it has a password.

Steven L Umbach

You could use stored credentials so that you don't have to enter password
[Control Panel/user accounts/your account - manage network passwords] or if
you simply logon with the administrator account with password that is the
same on all three computers you should be able to get seamless access and
there is NOTHING wrong with writing a password down as long as you store it
in such a way that it is not going to be easily found by those that should
not know it. If you really want to use a blank password over the network the
open Local Security Policy on each computer that has a share and go to local
policies/security options and find the security option for accounts: limit
local account use of blank password to console logon only and set it to
disabled. --- Steve

Bruce Chambers

JohnK said:
I have a set of 3 systems which I use for testing that are connect to a
switch but not the internet. I want to use a blank Admin password but then I
can't access these devices (shares don't like Admin w/o passwords).

What can I change on the 3 systems to allow the shares to work? Would
prefer not to set a password only so I don't forget it.

Use a non-blank password.


Bruce Chambers

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Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of
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for me, give me liberty, or give me death! -Patrick Henry


I know I can do this option but I'm looking for something which would allow
me to leave the password blank on each of the machines for the users. To use
a password in the "Net Use" would require that the Admin had a P/W assigned.
In my "on-line" network we require good p/w security and often use the net
use so I know how to do that but I want to bypass the requirement. Again,
these systems run off-line on a hub and don't need passwords (if I can avoid

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