Accessing Active Directory


Remco Bosman

Dear Developers,

I am building a little WebPart for the new sharepoint 2003 services. The
webspart simply has to show a list of users and their phonenumbers, which
come from our main domain. This all works....for me, when others users
viewed the webpart is gave me a (them rather than me actually) "The
specified directory service attribute or value does not exist".

After some investigation I determined this had to do with not getting any
child DirectoryEntry Items. As the code worked for me the code is not the
problem, the problem had to be in something else. So I found that when I
explicitly got the DirectoryEntry with my user account it worked. As I am in
an Intranet environment I do not want a hardcoded or configured account
somewhere, it should just work with intergrated security. Then I asked one
of my collegues to give me their credentials, that worked as well. And that
was a bit strange, because it didn't work for him with integrated security.
I checked the thread/windows identities and that's all set to his

So can anyone tell me why it does work with me, using integrated security
and doesn't for others. By the way i developed and tested on my own desktop
so the difference is probably that i am logged in. But this should work on
an intranet server with integrated authentication. Anyone experience with

Regards in advance,



Hi there,

I have has a similar problem with ASP.NET accessing
Active Directory. If your users have IE6.0 then make
sure that the 'Enable Integrated Windows Authentication'
check box is set within Tools/Options within IE.

Hope this helps


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