accessibility and asp:button



This is for anyone who has tackled the accessibility issue on their web site
(and if you haven't, I bet you will in future).

Apparently the asp:button control always renders as '<input type="submit"
....' (a.k.a. submit button) and this can have a big impact on your web
site's keyboard handling. Default IE behavior when you have the keyboard
focus on an edit field is to find the first submit button and trigger a
click event on it (NOTE: Submit buttons behave similarly to a default
button in a Windows GUI application -- often the "Ok" button -- so their
border is drawn darker to indicate that they are the default for that form.
Of course, blind people cannot detect that, but hey...).

Anyway, if you use multiple asp:button controls on your web form, the ENTER
key's behavior may surprise your users. Did you put a LOGIN/LOGOUT button
on all of your pages? Maybe ENTER logs them out instead of clicking the
SUBMIT button you expected it to click.

So, it's probably not a good idea to use the asp:button control more than
once on your form, and then only for the most obvious, sensible default

Has anyone else run into this?


P.S. Before you freak out, keep in mind this only applies when keyboard
focus is on an edit field. If it is on a button or hyperlink, default
behavior is to click that button or hyperlink.

I ran in similar situation when I was designing the City of North Vancouver

Many of the online forms have different sections, typically: the site search
section and the application section. I used the following JavaScript in
every textbox to associate it with a specific button:

function fnTrapKD(btn){
if (document.all){
if (event.keyCode == 13)
event.cancel = true;;

For the site search textbox, I add the attribute:

For other textboxes within any form I pass the button ID that would submit
the section, which in turn would cause the postback event to be triggered.


That would certainly work, and I could see doing that on sites with not too
many forms, but on some sites it seems like that could turn into a lot of
extra coding to tie that to every focusable control that is neither button
nor hyperlink.


The function fnTrapKD cost is only 8 lines of code that are shared by the
entire page. Then in each textbox the only additional code is the function
all: onkeydown="fnTrapKD(document.all.btnSearch)"

You can also make a variation of that function for other boxes where you
want the return key to cause the focus to be set to a subsequent textbox
instead of to submit the form.


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