Access2000: Relationships & database splitting


Arvi Laanemets


Where is information about relationships keeped in splitted database - in
front- or back-end. I.e. when I change something in reltionship definitions
(p.e. turn on/off referential integrity) afterwards, then is it enough to
send new front-end to user?

Thanks in advance!
Arvi Laanemets

Douglas J. Steele

While it's possible to have relationships in the front-end, they don't do
any good there.

The only place where the relationships will allow, for instance, enforcing
referential integrity is in the same database as the tables: the back-end.
Remember: it's possible to interact with the data in the back-end database
with other front-ends, so relying on the front-end isn't sufficient.


Relationships are only in the back-end.

Any relationships in the front-end are ignored.

You might put code in your front end to open the
back-end and drop the relationship.


Arvi Laanemets

Thanks you both!

It looks like I have to have a 80-km trip in near future. :-(((

I used a lot of dropdowns on project's forms, where dropdown sources were
queries to other tables. And only afterwards I discovered, that when those
tables were related to form's source table, and the referential integrity
was on, then when user creates a new record, and then thinks otherwise and
navigates to some existing record, the referential integrity causes an
error. The user has to press Esc at first, and only after that is allowed to
leave new record. Not fatal, but annoying enough.

Arvi Laanemets

Douglas J. Steele

If you're thinking you have an 80 km trip so that you can add relationships
to the back-end database, that may not be necessary. It's pretty easy to
write a routine that will add the relationships for you, and then have
someone at the remote site run the routine for you.

david epsom dot com dot au

You can use CreateRelation and Relation().Delete to add
and remove relationships, but it sounds like you have
another problem.
error. The user has to press Esc at first, and only after that is

If the user does not press Escape, you will have a new
record in your database.

But you just said that the user decided NOT to create
a record.

If you press Escape, the record is removed. If you don't
enforce referential integrity, the new record will be
created with missing or bad fields.


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