


Hi everyone, I've been given an assignment from one of my acquanitances to
design an application for a salon to keep a points system for its customers.
Similar to Air Miles, this points system is basically to win the customer's
interest and loyalty. Customer comes in, makes the purchase, cashier swipes
the card and based on the purchase amount, customer is rewarded with points.
Customers also have an option to redeem points in dollar form. Now my
question is, is Access a good choice for such application? I have designed
several applications before using Access, VB and Java but never designed a
big application such as this one using Access. Frankly, I'm just being a bit
lazy and trying to avoid writing all the code in Java or VB. But I'm also
flexible. Please help me make a decision on what software to use for this

Thanks in advance

Ken Snell [MVP]

This certainly can be done in ACCESS. And that will let you use its built-in
features for data handling and forms and such.

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